Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Father's Day Andrew! (Belated)

I came downstairs to find these two hanging out together Father's day morning. How adorable.

Here's Andrew showing off his father's day gift, a cordless drill:

We are so blessed to celebrate this years Father's day as a family of 3

Couldn't have asked for a better expression from Malachi!

7 Months

It seems a lot as happened in the last month. I didn't change Malachi from his dirty onsie because it shows that he's started eating! You can tell I'm a first time mom because there's a part of me that thinks his carrot stained onsie is kind of cute =) 
*More eating pics to come.

Also, you'll notice that he's sitting up on his own (for longer than a few seconds) and he's on the move! 
He's crawling all over the place!!!

This picture looks like Malachi is about to do a cartwheel!