Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Habemus Papam!

We have a new Pope, Pope Francis, from Argentina! Thanks to EWTN Malachi and I were able to watch the whole thing. This morning I wanted to go to mass but thought it'd be a hassle when at 7:30am Malachi hadn't woken up yet to eat...and I was afraid as soon as I moved him he'd realize how hungry he was and be quite upset, (like he was at 1:30am...the last time he had eaten). I think I was just looking for excuses to miss mass but I said a little prayer asking the Blessed Mother for her help getting me there, since I wouldn't on my own. And of course it worked. Malachi woke up, ate and we made it to mass just in time. All the way there I kept telling him that we had to pray for the new Pope...little did I know he'd be selected TODAY! It was quite fun and a blessing to watch the whole process for the first time. Here's a little glimpse of how it went for us:

Watching EWTN on the Ipad
Trying to be patient...but someone's getting sleepy.
Little cat nap
Awake and excited about the news!

Next to come: pics of Malachi with his Higle Aunties from this past weekend!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jumparoo and Crib

Malachi loves the jumparoo...he can't quite jump in it yet but he loves having the support to stand and of course loves all the toys, lights and sounds.

Also, our crib came today! Thanks to our Higle Aunts and Grandma. Andrew didn't waste any time putting it together. It looks great! 

Between playing in the jumparoo and crib building we spent most of the day with Andrews siblings and their families. We VERY much enjoyed spending time with everyone...and Malachi liked being held by his Aunts.
This weekend we head to Corvallis/Albany for Andrew has drill this weekend. But we're looking forward to it because we can spend time with my sisters and all the friends we made while living in Corvallis the past couple of years.
Most likely there will be no posting till next week...when all the fun of being back is over, "real life" sets in and work starts.

Have a blessed weekend.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Well we made it, we got back to Vancouver today! Malachi did great in the car, the roads were clear, Andrew did almost all the driving (which I was/am very thankful for) and it was nice to see family and friends along the way.
Thank you for all your prayers.

This shows how we all feel about being out of the car and finally home!

Here's a pic I took of my  boys before I started my little stint of driving.
And this is the "Jumparoo" we just HAD to get for that we are home and don't have to worry about whether or not it will fit in our van with all our other stuff to bring back with us. More pictures to come!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Blast off!

The countdown is over and we head out today after Andrew's graduation! Off to Kansas City for the night, then to Fort Collins, CO tomorrow night with family. Mass on Sunday in Laramie WY with more family...probably spend the night in Ogden Utah that night, then Burns to see my parents. And finally home to Vancouver WA. Please pray for safe travels and clear roads. 