Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekend with Friends

We spent this past weekend having fun with some friends on the coast.

Daddy jerry-rigged his hat for Malachi with a zip tie.
The weather was beautiful!

The two Nat's

Genevieve and Malachi were born only 5 days apart.
We had to keep a chaperone in the room with these two.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Born Again!

 Malachi is now a child of God,
he was baptized April 12th by Fr. John Henderson. 
Many family & friends joined us; thanks for being apart of this special day!

Just a little heads up, it may look like Malachi is wearing a dress, however this was the baptism gown that has been used in my family through many generations. My sisters and I wore it, along with cousins AND my dad and his siblings. It was pretty cool that the gown is still usable. 
Malachi is so chill! I've always wondered if I'd have a child that would cry when he or she was baptized but not Malachi! And we even had him immersed!
Andrew's brother and wife are Malachi's godparents.
Blessing for the Father
Blessing for the Mother



The whole Schaal clan (except for Marcel and Bwe's fiance)

Everyone in attendance.
Auntie Robin

Easter Candle
So Andrew wanted to make a fondant Jesus...with help from Bwe and his friend John they did an amazing job....it turned out MUCH better than I was expecting! I should have known it would turn out great, sorry for being such a negative nancy!

Thanks to Nichlas and my Dad for taking pictures at the baptism.

"Baptism not only purifies from all sins, but it also makes a 'new creature', an adopted son of God, who has become a 'partaker of the divine nature,' member of Christ and co-heir with him, and a temple of the Holy Spirit."  
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1265

Friday, April 19, 2013


It seems a lot has happened in the last month...here are some highlights via pictures.

Malachi's starting using his big toe as a pacifier...haha.
We got a high chair!
Andrew and I got to see Brian Regan, he's hilarious!
We've introduced Malachi to power tools already
Malachi is no longer the youngest in the Schaal family. Avila Rose was born two weeks ago. She's adorable!
Tribute to Watson (the dog of our friends in Kansas City, who we dearly miss!)
Malachi spent his 20 week birthday sick with his first cold. We spent a lot of time in bed; either sleeping or watching Veggie Tales.
So sleepy
Malachi has grown a mustache in the last couple of weeks. He's grown up so fast!


We're Back

I got all sort of excuses as to why I haven't posted for the last month but it doesn't really matter. So I'll save you the hassle of scrolling down the page to find the pictures (cause I know not all of you read the posts but just look for Malachi! =)
Here's a couple of pics of Malachi with his Higle Aunties, over a month ago.
Next post will be "highlights" from the past month.