Friday, July 26, 2013

Eight Months Old and Moving to Canada!

Yep we're moving to Vancouver BC, well, technically our address is Burnaby BC but it's just on the outskirts of Vancouver. We just gave the deposit for the rental this week and our stuff will be picked up by the movers on Monday! We've been living out of a hotel room, eating out a lot and ready to live "normally". On the flip side though we've met the parish priest at the church that is walking distance from our new home and have started to get to know the daily mass goers. 
We are very blessed for all the safe travels we've had this past month and that everything is going so smoothly. Also for all the very nice and welcoming people in Canada...I mean it, everyone is just SO nice! 
Ok now for what you're really looking for: Malachi's monthly pics.

This explains our mood in the hotel I did NOT stage this, I sat him upright on the bed, he did the rest.


View from our hotel window...there are quite a few skyscrapers.
He's starting to pull himself up.
I bet you only thought he knew how to smile right?
Grumpy face doesn't usually last too long.

And for those who aren't on facebook and missed the moving announcement pic:

Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekend Fun

We tried staying cool since the temps were in the 90's! We went to Oneonta Gorge and saw Multnomah first time ever. 

Also it was a sad day today, we can't take Black Beauty with us (seeing as it doesn't even run) so Andrew got a rid of it. Only a few people will appreciate seeing it one last time =)