Monday, August 31, 2015

Baptism Day & Potty Training

August 22 was Anneliese's baptism day. We celebrated with home made cinnamon rolls and went to play at the water park (just a park with water features not an actual water park).

Also, during one of our stops on our drive home from Michigan we let Malachi pick out some new underwear and we've started to potty train!
This was after his first time ever going on the potty...we have a cute video of him saying "no more diapers for 'chi!" but videos never work on here so I'm not even going to try.

His treats after going potty...yes those are jelly beans from Easter but at least it was an unopened fresh bag and he loves them! Oh and it's super cute he even shares his treats with Anneliese!

This was after what seemed like hours...probably realistically a little over one hour, of waiting for him to poop. He finally did it. Anneliese has been quite the cute cheerleader for her big brother thru all of this!
I remember my mother in law telling me that potty training hadn't been that big of a deal for my sister in laws. I had been skeptical this entire time leading up to it with Malachi but I have to admit it really hasn't been that bad...(besides last Tuesday but EVERYTHING was going badly that day). He has gone by himself without any of us helping or even knowing that he needed to go. AND he's even gone on big potty's in dr offices and gone a couple of times in a porta potty! Good Job Malachi!

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