Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Welcome Facebook Friends!

Hey Everyone,
For lent I'm giving up facebook (along with sugary treats)...with the intention of forcing myself to start posting on this blog AND, to get away from feeling that I am a slave to checking facebook ALL THE TIME! So if you have been directed here from my FB wall and are just joining Schaal's Adventures, welcome!
I am looking forward to a "one-way social media" (I still welcome your comments) but I will not be spending hours checking on everyone else's happenings...just posting my own. Selfish? Maybe. But I hope to be more productive with my time now. That is if I don't fall for any other internet phenomenon...aka pinterest...(which at this moment I do not have an account!) Let's see how long that lasts. I also want to get away from FB gossip and comparing myself with others...which FB plays a big part in.

Hope you have a grace-filled Ash Wednesday!

I can't help but to post my favorite picture of Malachi...If this doesn't help me through my facebook and sugar-deprived next 40 days, nothing will. =)  Photo taken by my friend Kim!


1 comment:

  1. I've got the blog bookmarked! Luckily saw this before "really" going offline tonight. I hope to spend less time at the computer...but there is always something there to check. Only with God's graces will I turn my head from the computer. Love this picture of Malachi!!! - Aunt Joyce
